Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services

Assistive Technology Update

Effective immediately, the Children’s System of Care (CSOC) is temporarily halting new applications for assistive technology (AT) requests. We have received many applications in the last several months, and currently, all resources are allocated to supporting those requests. Applications are reviewed in the order that they are received and approved based on need and available funding. We will resume accepting applications when resources are available to fulfill new requests. Please continue to check this site for updates regarding the program. Please also review the below information for other resources you may find helpful.

Children and youth with an intellectual or developmental disability and their families must meet service criteria set by state laws to access specialized services. For more details, go to the Applying for Determination of Eligibility webpage.

Applying for eligibility

Eligibility for developmental disability services are governed by state laws that define certain requirements that must be met. If you already applied and were determined eligible by the Division of Developmental Disabilities with an application submitted to them before January 1, 2013, you do not need to reapply.

Applying for Determination of Eligibility: Children up to Age 18

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) for families of children with developmental disabilities

Language Links
English Frequently asked questions (FAQ) for families of children with developmental disabilities (PDF) Opens a new window
Spanish Preguntas frecuentes (FAQ) para familias de niños con discapacidades del desarrollo (PDF) Opens a new window
Portuguese Perguntas frequentes (FAQ) de famílias com filhos com atraso de desenvolvimento (PDF) Opens a new window
Korean 발달 장애가 있는 아동의 가족을 위한 자주 묻는 질문(FAQ) (PDF) Opens a new window
Chinese (Mandarin) 发育障碍儿童家庭常见问题 (FAQ) (PDF) Opens a new window

Additional links from CSOC stakeholders