Updated: Notice of Privacy Practices

We updated our Notice of Privacy Practices, which describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed as well as how you can get access to this information.

Read the notice (PDF).
2024 CSOC Summer Camp Services

2024 CSOC Summer Camp Services

The application season for CSOC Summer Camp Services ended on July 1, 2024.

July is Disability Pride Month

We are proud to celebrate disabled youth and young adults, uplift their voices, and raise awareness of their needs.

If your child has an intellectual or developmental disability, PerformCare and the NJ Children’s System of Care (CSOC) may be able to provide a range of services to meet their needs.

Learn more.Apply for Determination of Eligibility.
Updated Provider Directory

Updated Provider Directory

Families can use the expanded CSOC Provider Directory to search for service providers and organizations.

Find a provider.
Learn more about PerformCare

Learn more about PerformCare

Through the New Jersey Children's System of Care, PerformCare connects young people and their families statewide to the care they need to be well.

Video: Learn more about Children's System of Care services.