As of January 1, 2025, Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) authorizations will be provided by NJ Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) for Medicaid eligible youth. Care management entities must continue to request PHP authorizations on their individual service plans (ISPs) and individual crisis plans (ICPs) for non-Medicaid (3560) eligible youth per the existing process.
Please refer to the following CSOC letter for more information: CSOC/DMAHS Partial Hospitalization Program provider letter (PDF).
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Find details, updates, clinical criteria, and other resources of use for all providers.
- The Behavioral Healthcare Provider Loan Redemption Program (PDF) offers loan redemption to eligible behavioral health care providers in exchange for up to six years of service.
- Register for training or access archived training.
- Get forms, including the Clinical Summary Template and consent forms for Substance Use treatment).
- Find resources you need and get answers to our frequently asked questions (FAQs).
- DCP&P staff — get information about accessing services through PerformCare.
- See a print list of our out-of-home (OOH) providers (PDF). You can also view an online listing of providers through the New Jersey Children's System of Care provider directory.
- Information about CSOC Summer Camp Services for Providers.
Duty to Warn
In compliance with the current New Jersey Duty to Warn legislation for mental health professionals, PerformCare has adjusted its policies and procedures to adhere to all updates accordingly.
PerformCare associates have a duty to warn and protect when the following conditions exist:
- The youth or youth’s caregiver has communicated to PerformCare associates a threat of imminent, serious physical violence against a readily identifiable individual or against himself and the circumstances are such that a reasonable professional in the practitioner's area of expertise would believe the youth intended to carry out the threat.
- The circumstances are such that a reasonable professional in the practitioner's area of expertise would believe the youth intended to carry out an act of imminent, serious physical violence against a readily identifiable individual or against himself.
*The duty to warn threshold has been met when the danger is imminent. In many treatment circumstances, individuals are hospitalized when there are concerns about suicidal ideation and/or homicidal ideation. If a person voluntarily goes to the hospital, there is not an imminent danger to any person. This most likely does not meet the threshold of duty to warn, so there would be no reason for the Behavioral Health Care Manager (BHCM) to have to take any of the steps.
The additions to PerformCare’s procedures are as follows:
- If the nature of the call reaches the threshold of duty to warn, PerformCare will notify the Chief Law Enforcement Officer (or designee) in the municipality/township where the youth resides, or the Superintendent of the State Police (or designee) if the youth resides in a municipality that does not have a full-time police department.
- The BHCM will provide only the person’s name and address and inform the officer that the threshold to duty to warn has been incurred (no clinical information is to be released).
Service Desk and CYBER technical support for providers
Complete this online Customer Service Request Form to address CYBER technical issues, and questions regarding clinical, billing, eligibility, and reporting issues. You will need your Provider Agency ID available to submit a request.
Interested in becoming a provider?
PerformCare assists the NJ Department of Children and Families (DCF), Children's System of Care in coordinating an array of services for youth with behavioral health, intellectual/developmental disabilities, and substance use treatment service needs. If you are a provider interested in serving these populations, you must be contracted with the State of New Jersey. More information on becoming a Children's System of Care provider is available at DCF. You may sign up for electronic notifications of upcoming contracting opportunities by email.