Reporting Provider Fraud and Abuse
If you suspect your provider is engaging in fraudulent activity around payments or service delivery, please immediately report details of this activity.
All written reports should be emailed to
or mailed to the following address:
The New Jersey Department of Children and Families
Children’s System of Care
Office of the Assistant Commissioner
50 E. State St., 3rd Floor
Trenton, NJ 08625
Examples of fraud and abuse include:
- Agreeing to provide a service before it has been authorized by PerformCare.
- Asking you to sign off on participating in services or visits that have not yet occurred.
- Offering you gifts or money to receive treatment or services.
For more information about reporting possible provider fraud and abuse, please call PerformCare at 1-877-652-7624 or refer to page 30 of the New Jersey Children's System of Care Youth and Family Guide (PDF).