Family Leaders for PerformCare

PerformCare is committed to helping children, youth, and young adults with significant challenges gain access to high-quality services in their community. Family Leaders for PerformCare is a small group of parents and caregivers who partner with PerformCare's Executive Director to ensure that children and families are informed of System of Care services and benefits and how to access care. Family Leaders have an essential role in ensuring our communications are responsive to the needs of the families and youth we serve.

Our mission

Our mission is for families to partner with PerformCare to ensure that the strengths and needs of the children, youth, and families are upheld as driving elements of the Children's System of Care.

Through a relationship in which families and PerformCare work together to continually learn and teach one another, we combine and strengthen our voices to ensure that PerformCare fulfills its commitment to provide access to "the right care at the right time."

Family Leaders meet four times a year via virtual teleconference or at PerformCare's Robbinsville, New Jersey, office. The 2025 schedule is as follows:

  • Saturday, January 11 at 11 a.m.
  • Saturday, April 5 at 11 a.m.
  • Wednesday, July 9 at 5 p.m.
  • Saturday, October 11 at 11 a.m.

PerformCare is the single point of access in New Jersey for children with developmental or intellectual disabilities or emotional/behavioral challenges. If you are the parent of a child involved with services through PerformCare and would like to become one of our Family Leaders, contact us at 1-609-689-5400. We welcome your ideas and input.