Additional Resources for Educators
Resources from the Department of Children and Families, CSOC, and PerformCare
If you are an educator and have general questions about how parents, guardians, caregivers, and families can access PerformCare services, please contact us at
- CSOC Frequently Asked Questions for Educators (PDF)
- Glossary of additional PerformCare/CSOC supports and services
- Children's Interagency Coordinating Councils from the NJ Department of Children and FamiliesChildren's Interagency Coordinating Councils (CIACCs) are entities that foster cross-system service planning for children with behavioral health problems. They develop and maintain a responsive, accessible and integrated system of care for children with special social and emotional needs and their families, through the involvement of parents, consumers, youth, and child-serving agencies as partners. CIACCs also coordinate Educational Partnerships, which are alliances between local school districts and local agencies that serve youth and families. These partnerships provide cross-system training and help direct resources and services from the Department of Children and Families and other sources to families in need. They serve as a forum for local school personnel, DCF staff, and local service providers to cross-train throughout the school year, and to help systems understand how they fit together in the local system of care to support youth and families. Educators who would like to participate in Educational Partnerships should contact the CIACC in their county. Visit the New Jersey Department of Children and Families website for CIACC contact information.
- CSOC ResourceNet links by county
ResourceNets are websites that connect families to healthy supports in their communities and are administered by the respective Care Management Organization (CMO) in each county throughout New Jersey. - Guidelines for Schools on the Prevention of Human Trafficking of Students (PDF)
Behavioral health and school climate
- New Jersey Comprehensive School-Based Mental Health Resource Guide (PDF)
- New Jersey Department of Education – Office of Student Support Services
- School Climate Transformation Project (SCTP) - NJDOE School Climate and Culture Page
- School Climate Transformation Project (SCTP) - School Climate Strategy Resource Guide PDF
- Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) - NJDOE SEL Resource Page – Learning Modules (updated July 22, 2022)
- New Jersey Positive Behavior Support in Schools (NJPBSIS) from the Boggs Center at Rutgers University
- Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC)
Intellectual and developmental disability resources
- New Jersey Department of Education
- Office of Special Education
- Special Education Interventions, Supports and Initiatives
- Parental Rights in Special Education (PDF)
- The New Jersey Transition Toolkit
- The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute — Go Bags
- Autism NJ — Transition
- The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities at Rutgers University
- NJSILC — New Jersey Statewide Independent Living Council
- Department of Health — Special Needs
- Developmental Disabilities Training Resources
- Division of Developmental Disabilities — Apply for Services
- Mom2Mom brochure (PDF)
- The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities — Disabilities Professional Resources
- New Jersey Youth Resource Spot
- Special Olympics New Jersey — Unified Champion Schools and Youth Leadership Development
- Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN)
Supplemental resources
- Broadcasts from the New Jersey Department of Education
- New Jersey Tiered System of Supports (NJTSS)
- Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN)
* Please note: PerformCare posts these links for informational purposes only. These external websites are maintained by organizations over which PerformCare and the New Jersey Children's System of Care exercise no control. PerformCare and the NJ Children's System of Care expressly disclaim any responsibility or endorsement for the content, the accuracy of the information and/or quality of products or services provided by or advertised by these third-party websites. PerformCare and the NJ Children's System of Care do not control, endorse, promote, or have any affiliation with any website listed unless expressly stated herein.