Additional Resources for Educators

Resources from the Department of Children and Families, CSOC, and PerformCare

If you are an educator and have general questions about how parents, guardians, caregivers, and families can access PerformCare services, please contact us at

Behavioral health and school climate

Intellectual and developmental disability resources

Supplemental resources

* Please note: PerformCare posts these links for informational purposes only. These external websites are maintained by organizations over which PerformCare and the New Jersey Children's System of Care exercise no control. PerformCare and the NJ Children's System of Care expressly disclaim any responsibility or endorsement for the content, the accuracy of the information and/or quality of products or services provided by or advertised by these third-party websites. PerformCare and the NJ Children's System of Care do not control, endorse, promote, or have any affiliation with any website listed unless expressly stated herein.